Major Events, Powerful Performances, & Real Memories
Providing experianced talent with highly developed skills for your memorable events with over 30 years of experience.
Experience with Unrivaled Quality!
With contractors from all over the world, we bring the right team for the job every time! There are many people who can build your event but not nearly enough who can see YOUR dream! Help us, help you by telling us your story...

Experienced Contractors
Event Staffing Solutions
Providing skilled professional technicians & operators ready for your events! Large and small!
Our team delivers exceptional talent tailored to meet your specific staffing needs safely and efficiently.

General labor, techs and leads for all departments: Audio, Lighting, Video, Scenic, Production assistance, Ticket takers, Security, and more!
Certified machine operators for all necessary equipment. Aerial boom, Scissor lift, Lull and Fork lifts. Truck drivers and runners.